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Ecco il sommario di ciò che imparerai in questo corso. Scorri sotto per visualizzare il dettaglio di ciascuno dei 4 punti. 1. SOFTWARE GESTIONALI AZIENDALI Edilizia, commessa di servizi, produzione manifatturiera. (su cui si basano le lezioni di inserimento, consultazione e aggiornamento dati) (dettagli sotto) 2. SISTEMI QUALITA' ISO 9001:2015 GIA' STRUTTURATI Flussogrammi di lavoro, moduli e istruzioni operative già numerati. Edilizia ed azienda di organizzazione eventi e congressi. (dettagli sotto) 3. STRUMENTO POWER POINT PER COMPORRE RAPIDAMENTE UNA PRESENTAZIONE AZIENDALE 16 argomenti, ciascun dei quali prevede 12 sottoargomenti. Diapositive già collegate da link. Inserisci i contenuti e sono già navigabili come un sito web (anche per schemi materie di studio). (dettagli sotto) 4. ESERCIZI PER LE RILEVAZIONI STATISTICHE AZIENDALI Indagini soddisfazione clientela, valutazione fornitori, gestione del personale, analisi contesto aziendale SWOT, indicatori delle performance aziendali (sono oggetti del software dai emergono tabelle pivot e grafici statistici). (dettagli sotto) ________________________________ 1. L'ACQUISTO DEL CORSO COMPRENDE LA LICENZA DI UTILIZZO DEI TRE SOFTWARE DOVE STAI LAVORANDO O DOVE ANDRAI A LAVORARE. POTRANNO ESSERE UTILIZZATI NON SOLO DA TE, MA DA TUTTA L'AZIENDA. Il corso si propone lo scopo di far apprendere quelli che sono i concetti base comuni a tutti i software di gestione dati. Una volta fatti propri, sarà infatti facile approcciarsi a qualsiasi gestionale si trovi nell'azienda in cui si lavora o si andrà a lavorare. Navigheremo tra i pannelli comandi del software Prisma, esplorando gli ambienti di inserimento, consultazione e aggiornamento dati ed imparandone il corretto uso. DESCRIZIONE OGGETTI DEI SOFTWARE Per ciascuno dettagliati ambienti di inserimento, consultazione e aggiornamento dati su cui potrai fare pratica. 1. CLIENTI: anagrafica, fatture attive, nostro listino prezzi, contatti commerciali, indagini customer satisfaction, ordini da cliente, preventivo a cliente; 2. FORNITORI: anagrafica, fatture passive, prodotti e prezzi, sistema di valutazione, nostri ordini, richieste di preventivo; 3. CONTROLLO DI GESTIONE: Costi fissi - Costi variabili - Generazione break even point (punto di pareggio tra costi e ricavi) - Programmazione fasi lavoro - VERSIONI DISPONIBILI - Cantiere, azienda di produzione, azienda di servizi; 4. MAGAZZINO - Movimenti - Valore residuo - Stoccaggi - Scarti; 5. PERSONALE - Scheda dipendente - Scadenze - Composizione retribuzione oraria - Presenze e retribuzione mensile - Gestione formazione; 6. GESTIONE SISTEMA QUALITÀ' CERTIFICATO ISO 9001 - Indicatori performance - Piani qualità - Gestione registrazioni - Verifiche ispettive - Progetti di miglioramento - Azioni preventive - Riesame della direzione - Gestione non conformità - Analisi di contesto - Controlli standard - Taratura strumenti - Grafici interazione statistica oggetti punto 6. ________________________________ 2. NELLE RISORSE TROVI ANCHE DUE SISTEMI QUALITA' ISO 9001:2015 COMPLETI: diagrammi dei flussi di lavoro, modulistica utilizzata per lavorare, istruzioni operative di dettaglio dei punti dei diagrammi di flusso. E' tutto impostato e numerato e direttamente utilizzabile nelle imprese di cui sotto sia per la costruzione che per il mantenimento del sistema qualità certificato. 1. IMPRESA EDILE O CHE COMUNQUE GESTISCE UN CANTIERE; 2. AZIENDA DI ORGANIZZAZIONE EVENTI E CONGRESSI (vedi sotto). --- IMPRESA EDILE O CHE COMUNQUE GESTISCE UN CANTIERE --- 1.Monitorare la soddisfazione dei clienti 2. Verifiche ispettive interne 3. Miglioramento, correzione e prevenzione 4. Riesame della direzione 5. Gestire le non conformità 6. Revisionare le registrazioni del SGQ 7. Redigere e attuare i piani qualità 8. Monitorare la soddisfazione dei clienti 9. Addestramento e formazione personale 10. Valutare e fornitori 11. Gestire gli ordini di acquisto 12. Pianificare i  servizi in outsourcing 13. Verificare i commissionari outsourcing 14. Gestire la fatturazione 15. Gestire la privacy 16. Gestire la comunicazione 17. Partecipare a gare di appalto a. Aggiudicarsi un lavoro per conto di una Pubblica Amministrazione - Rilevazione bandi di gara b. Valutare la partecipazione ad una gara di appalto, ad una trattativa negoziata o un affidamento diretto 18. Eseguire lavori edili a. Flussogramma di base b. Configurazione del cantiere c. Pianificazione attività di cantiere d. Amministrazione contabile cantiere e. Impostare e controllare la sicurezza 19. Eseguire i controlli standard 20. Testare gli strumenti di misura --- AZIENDA DI ORGANIZZAZIONE EVENTI E CONGRESSI --- 1. GESTIRE LA FASE PRECONGRESSUALE a. Diagramma base b. Gestire il primo incontro con il cliente c. Individuare la sede congressuale d. Redigere il bilancio preventivo e. Gestire la comunicazione f. Gestire i rapporti con il comitato promotore 2. INDIVIDUARE E CONTROLLARE I FORNITORI a. Diagramma base b. Individuare gli alberghi c. Individuare le società di catering d. Individuare gli allestitori e. Individuare i fornitori della strumentazione tecnica f. Individuare i fornitori di trasporti g. Individuare i fornitori di tipografia e grafica h. Individuare le agenzie di spettacolo i. Individuare gli interpreti l. Individuare l'impresa di pulizie m. Individuare hostess e steward 3. Gestire la fase congressuale 4. Gestire la fase post congressuale 5. Monitorare la soddisfazione dei clienti 6. Verifiche ispettive interne 7. Miglioramento, correzione e prevenzione 8. Riesame della direzione 9. Gestire le non conformità 10. Revisione registrazioni qualità 11. Redigere e attuare i piani della qualità 12. Gestire i reclami del cliente 13. Addestramento e formazione personale 14. Valutare i fornitori 15. Gestire gli ordini di acquisto 16. Pianificare i servizi in outsourcing 17. Verificare i commissionari outsourcing 18. Gestire la fatturazione 19. Gestire la privacy 20. Gestire la comunicazione esterna dell'azienda ________________________________ 3. Strumento PowerPoint per comporre rapidissimamente una presentazione aziendale o una relazione sui dati emersi dagli ambienti del software. 250 DIAPOSITIVE GIA' COLLEGATE TRA LORO CON I LINKS IN CUI DEVI SOLO INSERIRE I TITOLI E I CONTENUTI E' meccanismo sviluppato per creare rapidamente presentazioni . Può essere utilizzato anche per realizzare schemi navigabili per studiare. Inserendo il livello inferiore, che equivale a fare un breve riassunto di diversi paragrafi nel quaderno, si ottiene automaticamente la composizione dei paragrafi, gli schemi dei capitoli e degli slides shows, che saranno molto utili per una rapida consultazione. Il materiale è già strutturato per includere 16 capitoli, ognuno dei quali contiene 12 paragrafi, in modo che possa essere utilizzato anche per esami universitari complessi e presentazioni aziendali strutturate. Collegamenti a 40 siti Web per arricchire la presentazione, con immagini, video, gif animate, caratteri particolari, ridimensionamento di immagini e siti di stock su questi argomenti da cui è possibile raggiungerne molti altri. ________________________________ 4. VALUTAZIONE DEI FORNITORI (emersione tabelle e grafici statistici) INDAGINI SODDISFAZIONE CLIENTELA (emersione tabelle e grafici statistici) MISURAZIONE INDICATORI DI PERFORMANCE (emersione tabelle e grafici statistici) GESTIONE DEL PERSONALE (emersione tabelle di riepilogo) ANALISI CONTESTO AZIENDALE (SWOT) (emersione tabelle e grafici statistici)
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    We've all wished for more time to accomplish more during our busy days. What we really need is to learn how to cutback on the time we spend doing routine tasks. For example, the average office worker spends 25% of their work week managing their Outlook inbox. Use the Microsoft Office Applications to their full potential Microsoft Word Styles to create consistent formatting and automate a Table of Contents Create Excel Macros to automate your work Use PowerPoint Master Slides to create eye catching presentations Organize your Outlook inbox with Categories Spend less time doing routine tasks If you've ever thought there must be an easier more efficient way of doing something in Microsoft Office, then this course is for you. During this course I will introduce you to some of the time-saving techniques and tools that each of the Office applications provide. By implementing the tools that I'll walk you through, you will cutback on the time it takes to complete a task, getting back that 25%, and create more dynamic and efficient documents. Lecture Topics You will gain an understanding of how to work with and become more efficient with large sets of data in Excel (Excel Lists/Tables) . Create dynamic reports with Excel PivotTables Get Excel to work for you by automating tasks with Macros Take a quiz at the end of the section to test what you've learned You will learn to streamline your efforts in creating and maintaining Microsoft Word documents. Use Word styles to create consistency throughout the formatting of your documents Take advantage of Microsoft Words built in Tables of Contents tool Take a quiz at the end of the section to test what you've learned You will be immersed into the time-saving techniques of creating efficient PowerPoint presentations. Use Master Slides to eliminate slide by slide formatting Use Custom Shows within the same presentation file Take a quiz at the end of the section to test what you've learned You will break the shackles that tie you to Microsoft Outlook, ultimately getting that time back to be more productive with your day. Use Outlook categories , making searching an organizing a breeze Automate routine Outlook tasks by using "Quick Steps" Take a quiz at the end of the section to test what you've learned Each section has a quiz where you can test your knowledge on the topics discussed throughout the videos. At completion of this course you will be amazed at all the extra time you have during your workday.
      Czego się nauczysz na szkoleniu? W części poświęconej Microsoft Word 2019 zapoznasz się z podstawowymi możliwościami edycji tekstu takimi jak zmiana stylu, koloru, rozmiaru czcionki, ustawianie akapitów, dodawanie nagłówka, stopki i wiele innych, jak również opanujesz umiejętności zaawansowanego formatowania jak na przykład tworzenie własnych szablonów, modyfikowanie stylów, dodawanie spisu treści. Ponadto, uczestnicząc w szkoleniu, odkryjesz niezwykle ciekawe i przydatne opcje pozwalające dodawać komentarze do dokumentu, porównywać dwa dokumenty lub śledzić zmiany w tekście naniesione przez innego użytkownika. Z kolei dzięki szkoleniu z programu Excel, nauczysz się pracować z komórkami danych. Będziesz wiedział, jak formatować wprowadzone dane, a także jak je sortować, grupować i filtrować. Dowiesz się również, jak korzystać z formatowania warunkowego oraz zapoznasz się z clou programu, czyli rozmaitymi formułami finansowymi, logicznymi, tekstowymi, daty i godziny, matematycznymi. W szkoleniu z PowerPoint 2019 przekonasz się, że tworzenie prezentacji multimedialnych to naprawdę prosta rzecz. Nauczysz się, jak rozpocząć pracę nad prezentacją i jak wygląda schemat jej działania. Zobaczysz, jak uczynić prezentację bardziej efektowną i dynamiczną, dodając do niej animacje i przejścia między poszczególnymi slajdami. W szkoleniu zobaczysz również, jak dodawać do prezentacji tekst, obrazy, dźwięki czy filmy. W lekcjach z Outlook 2019 poznasz zasady konfigurowania kont pocztowych, nauczysz się sprawnie poruszać po interfejsie programu, a także będziesz w pełni gotowy do rozpoczęcia pracy. Dowiesz się, jak zaimportować pocztę ze starego komputera oraz jak utworzyć drugie konto pocztowe. Nauczysz się również kategoryzować i sortować wiadomości, stosować różne reguły. Zobaczysz, jak się zabezpieczyć przed niechcianymi wiadomościami, a także jak utworzyć automatyczną odpowiedź. Natomiast biorąc udział w szkoleniu z OneNote 2019, przekonasz się, że to doskonałe i bardzo rozbudowane narzędzie, które ułatwi Ci zorganizowanie notatek i zarządzanie danymi. To nieograniczona przestrzeń, w której możesz zebrać swoje zapiski, pomysły czy informacje. Poznasz narzędzia do rysowania i liczne funkcje, dzięki którym będziesz mógł dodawać do swojego obszaru roboczego załączniki plików, arkusze Excel, obrazy, notatki audio i wideo. Wszystkie te funkcje Microsoft Office, możliwości pracy zespołowej i integracja z dyskiem internetowym OneDrive czynią z tego pakietu niezastąpiony zbiór aplikacji. Do kogo skierowane jest to szkolenie? Szkolenie z Office 2019 skierowane jest do użytkowników komputerów, którzy pragną udoskonalić swoje umiejętności z obsługi biurowego pakietu Microsoft Office 2019. Pakiet Office 2019 jest na chwilę obecną niezbędnym i niezastąpionym narzędziem w każdej firmie, a także wśród młodzieży szkolnej i studentów. Nasze szkolenie odpowiada tym trendom i trafia w potrzeby zarówno firm, jak i osób prywatnych.
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        **This course includes practice exercises and LIFETIME access** Learn Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Word 2019 with this tremendous value 4-course bundle from Office experts Simon Sez IT. Microsoft Office remains the go-to tool for the modern worker, yet so many workers don’t utilize its full potential. We’re here to make sure you aren’t one of those people. In this Microsoft Office Beginners bundle, we make the four essential MS Office programs (Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access) simple to understand. This bundle includes 4, full-length courses to help you achieve your goals. What's included? Excel 2019 What's new in Excel 2019 Creating workbooks Entering text, numbers and working with dates Navigating workbooks Page setup and print options Working with rows, columns and cells Cut, Copy and Paste Introduction to functions and formulas Formatting in Excel, including formatting cells and numbers Creating charts and graphs Sorting and Filtering Introduction to PivotTables Logical and lookup formulas - the basics PowerPoint 2019 How to navigate around PowerPoint Presentation dos and don'ts Text and bullet edition options How to use graphics, images, objects and shapes Using SmartArt Working with Charts and Graphs How to utilize Master Slides and just how much time this could save you How to add audio and video to a presentation All about transitions between slides Animation, the animation pane and motion paths Setting your slideshow options Presentation preparation and delivery The backstage area of PowerPoint including printing a presentation Word 2019 How to get started with Word 2019 Word 2019 basics including navigation, editing and saving Character formatting in Word including Format Painter and AutoCorrect How to properly work with bullets and numbering in Microsoft Word All about formatting paragraphs and managing lists Working with Tables in Word including formatting, converting data and formulas Page appearance including page-breaks, watermarks and styles All about Sectioning a document Inserting graphics, pictures, shapes, icons and 3d models (new for 2019) How to work with envelopes and labels All about mail-merge and operating Word at scale How to create an Index or Contents page Reviewing and Printing in Word and Page Setup Protecting a Word document and basic macros in Word Microsoft Access Where to start in Microsoft Access and whether to use a template or not How to modify Access to suit your needs All about importing data and the datasheet view How tables work in Access and how to create relationships between them Creating forms and sub-forms that feed data into your tables How to run queries in Access Setting up validations and calculations using expressions in Access Printing from Access To start to use macros and Modal Dialog The basics of the Access web app Exporting and reporting in Access ***Exercise and demo files included*** This bundle includes: 29+ hours of video tutorials 300+ individual video lectures Exercise files to practice what you learned Certificate of completion Here’s what our students are saying… "Highly recommended this course to everyone.This is the best course i ever had. Good English that we can understand. Suberb..... I understood every lesson in the course." - Yunesh Garusinghe "I really love the way you describe all the things. the language of the instructions were really simple. I really gain a new knowledge and understanding from this course. I am really looking forward to apply this all in my work. Thank you." - Cavin Macwan "Nervous at first, had no idea how to do or work it . The instructor made it easy to follow along!" - Coreen Teoh Did you know? Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including: - Microsoft Excel - Microsoft PowerPoint - Microsoft Word - Microsoft Project - Microsoft Outlook - QuickBooks - Photoshop Elements - Web Development Languages - And so much more!
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          PowerPoint is widely used in every aspect. However, it is not easy to create precise and attractive slides, especially for beginners or anyone who seldom uses PowerPoint. In “10 Easy PowerPoint Tutorials for Absolute Beginners”, we do not go through every command or function. Instead, we share all the commands and basic skills that are commonly use. Together with work file, participants can learn all necessary command and technique in short time. 10 tutorials with 16 videos in total. No more than 1 hour , you will be able to have overall understanding of PowerPoint and create a simple presentation in 3 steps. Let's get started!
            Everyday, for most of the hours of your day, you work on your computer, trying to convert your thoughts and intentions into digital files. And if you are like most people, that means hand on your mouse, clicking on menus, moving a slow digital finger and pointing and clicking . You're building spreadsheets, formatting documents, building presentations. What if you could do you work in half the time, or do twice as much in the same amount of time it takes you today? This course will make you FASTER. You'll go through the major programs of Excel, Word and PowerPoint and learn the shortcut keystrokes that help you do your everyday, every minute activities at the speed you think them, not the speed you can point and click. You'll also learn some super powerful, but rarely discovered speed tips, like selecting visible cells only in a single click, or inserting a custom header format in a single action. Because this is not a course on specific features only useful in specific situations, but rather general tools to use across all situations, you can instantly apply what you learn in this course to the files and programs you are using today. So join the course and let's start getting faster at Microsoft Office today!
              Master the Ins and Outs of Microsoft Office and Boost Your Office’s Productivity. Spreadsheets with Excel 2013 Documents with Word 2013 E-mail with Outlook 2013 Presentations with PowerPoint 2013 Databases with Access 2013 Print Publications with Publisher 2013 Make Your Office More Efficient with Microsoft’s Premier Office Management Software Whether you need to create a spreadsheet for data analysis, a database of customer contacts, or a brochure that outlines the strengths and appeal of your organization, Microsoft Office is the choice of many office professionals. Enjoy significant control over your calendar and communication with Outlook or create engaging presentations with PowerPoint. Many people are aware of the basics of what Office can do, but learning the more advanced capabilities of the programs in Office gives you greater flexibility and opportunities for creativity. Microsoft Office is designed to make accomplishing office tasks easier and more efficient. Contents and Overview The course is designed for individuals and office professionals who need to master the capabilities of the latest edition of Microsoft Office. Through over 71 hours of video lectures and 8 quizzes, you’ll learn everything you need to know to make your office run more efficiently with Office 2013. Excel 2013 Beginning/Intermediate: Create basic spreadsheets and use formulas for tracking expenses. Excel 2013 Advanced: Use complex formulas and perform data analysis on your organization’s revenue and expense patterns. Word 2013: Create documents, embed videos, and set up for online collaboration for joint projects for school or work. Outlook 2013: Gain control of your inbox and avoid accumulating hundreds of unanswered emails. PowerPoint 2013: Make slick presentations for your next business meeting using animation, audio/video, and collaborative tools. Access 2013 For Beginners and Access 2013 Advanced: Become a master of data management, tracking customer information and buying patterns. Publisher 2013: Create professional looking print publications to communicate the strengths and purpose of your organization. When you complete this course, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master at workplace efficiency with the tools available in Microsoft Office 2013. ** Updated June 2017. Course transcripts now available.
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                **This course includes practice exercises and LIFETIME access** Massive value bundle - 3 full courses in one! Learn Excel, PowerPoint and Word 2019 with Microsoft Office experts Simon Sez IT. This mega Microsoft Office bundle is perfect if you're looking to finally get to grips with Excel, PowerPoint and Word. Each course goes into depth on how to get the most from each program and will  help you become an intermediate user. What's included? Excel 2019 What's new in Excel 2019 Creating workbooks Entering text, numbers and working with dates Navigating workbooks Page setup and print options Working with rows, columns and cells Cut, Copy and Paste Introduction to functions and formulas Formatting in Excel, including formatting cells and numbers Creating charts and graphs Sorting and Filtering Introduction to PivotTables Logical and lookup formulas - the basics PowerPoint 2019 How to navigate around PowerPoint Presentation dos and don'ts Text and bullet edition options How to use graphics, images, objects and shapes Using SmartArt Working with Charts and Graphs How to utilize Master Slides and just how much time this could save you How to add audio and video to a presentation All about transitions between slides Animation, the animation pane and motion paths Setting your slideshow options Presentation preparation and delivery The backstage area of PowerPoint including printing a presentation Word 2019 How to get started with Word 2019 Word 2019 basics including navigation, editing and saving Character formatting in Word including Format Painter and AutoCorrect How to properly work with bullets and numbering in Microsoft Word All about formatting paragraphs and managing lists Working with Tables in Word including formatting, converting data and formulas Page appearance including page-breaks, watermarks and styles All about Sectioning a document Inserting graphics, pictures, shapes, icons and 3d models (new for 2019) How to work with envelopes and labels All about mail-merge and operating Word at scale How to create an Index or Contents page Reviewing and Printing in Word and Page Setup Protecting a Word document and basic macros in Word ***Exercise and demo files included*** This bundle includes: 21+ hours of video tutorials 250+ individual video lectures Exercise files to practice what you learned Certificate of completion Here’s what our students are saying… “I've been familiar with this program for years, but am getting more comfortable and learning more than I could have imagined this early in the course.” - Aimee Hutcherson “I'm learning alot of new material that I had no idea existed. So yes , I'm very much liking this course. Will continue to practice all the new skills I've learned thus far." - Eralda Chung-Colon “I enjoy learning all of the new things in this course so far and I really appreciate how thorough the instructor is at explaining everything. Great Course!!" - Jennifer Lambert Did you know? Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including: - Microsoft Excel - Microsoft PowerPoint - Microsoft Word - Microsoft Project - Microsoft Outlook - QuickBooks - Photoshop Elements - Web Development Languages - And so much more!
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                  Why to buy individual courses when this complete package will give you everything you need! Boost your career and stand out from others in crowd!! 1. Microsoft Word (Basic course) 2. Microsoft Word (Advanced course) 2. Microsoft Excel (Basic course) 4. Microsoft Excel (Advanced course) 3. Unlock Macros & VBA Programming course Microsoft Excel all-in-one Package - Become a certified Excel Ninja with #1 Excel course: Looking for an online Excel course to improve your skills and save time but don't know where to start? I have picked out the Excel Essential skills and packaged them in a structured course. I will take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything from scratch & to be able to use VBA to improve your work flow, save time and automate your current Excel projects. Microsoft Word complete Package - Don't use just Word, learn tips and tricks with this course to be a smart user. This course includes basic level, intermediate level and advanced level of MS Word. Enroll now to go from beginning to Advanced user. At completion of this course you will have mastered the Microsoft Word. Microsoft Excel: By the end of the course you'll be confident, writing robust & elegant formulas and functions from scratch, allowing you to: Input Data and Navigate Large Spreadsheets Easily build dynamic tools & Excel dashboards to filter, display and analyze your data Apply Excel hacks to get your work done faster Be able to choose right Excel formula to automate your data analysis (Excel IF Function, ROUND and more) Join datasets from multiple sources with Excel's LOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH functions Get Answers from your Data Organize, Clean and Manage Large Data Create Interactive reports with Excel Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts, Slicers and Timelines Import & transform data with tools like Get & Transform (Power Query) Manipulate dates, times, text, and arrays Reduce manual routine tasks to the click of button VBA programming & read, write own Macro to automate the tasks We will dive into a broad range of Excel formulas & functions. Below are some Excel Features & Functions that you will learn: Useful Excel shortcuts for data entry and navigation. Protect your Excel files and worksheets properly. To apply formatting correctly for cleaner and more professional reports. To use important features like drop-down lists and add data validation to the cells. The way you can restrict users to type the data which can be input in each cell. Add Comments & Notes to cells & how to print the same if needed. Add Data & time Stamps to your reports. Lookup/Reference Functions. Statistical Functions. Logic Functions. Text Functions. Date & Time Functions. The most useful & powerful functions such as COUNT, COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, SUMPRODUCT, Nesting IF functions by nesting AND and OR within them and many more. Excel features that will help you to organize and structure data so it makes (Sort, Filter, Search & Replace Go to Special, combine text with & character.) Excel Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts so that you can quickly get insights from your data. What Excel Power Query can do for you and how easy it is to combine data from different spreadsheets Use Power Query to unpivot the data drive another Pivot Table, transform messy data to tabular data. Join Multiple Tables & create long table using Power Query that can be used to feed business intelligence solutions & Pivot Tables. Import data from Text File. Three different ways to run the Macro i.e. from Macro Dialog, Using Keyboard Shortcuts & using buttons. More than just Excel! VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) from Scratch to advanced. Microsoft Word: At completion of this course you will have mastered the most popular and sought after Microsoft Word tools and come away with confidence to complete many Word tasks with efficiency and grace. Below are just a few of the topics you will master: Creating Dynamic Microsoft Word Documents Effectively Formatting a Document with Styles Prepare Documents for Printing and Exporting Manage Large Documents Working with Page and Section Breaks Control Page Orientation Create and Manage Table Layouts Work with Tab Stops to Align Content Properly Insert Media and Images Perform Mail Merges to create Mailing Labels and Form Letters Manage Templates Protect Documents from Edits Track and Accept/Reject Changes to a Document Build Dynamic Table of Contents and much, much more... What differentiates this course from other Courses? Yes, there are many Microsoft Office Courses out there teaching you the important functions and features you need to master. BUT, do you get step-step-step learning with of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel with Quizzes, Exercises and VBA programming all in one course? So, what are you waiting for? Enroll Today and take the next step in mastering Excel, Word and VBA Programming. Boost your career and stand out from others in crowd . Go from Novice to Ninja in all this complete package of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Macros & VBA! Become a certified Excel, Word & VBA Ninja Today. The course comes with lifetime access. Buy now. Watch anytime.
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                    In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen der Microsoft 365 Programme, also Microsoft Word , Microsoft Excel , Microsoft PowerPoint , Microsoft OneNote und Microsoft Outlook im Detail kennen. Auch den dazugehörigen Cloud-Speicher OneDrive werden wir uns anschauen und auch Microsoft Teams , was bei einer unternehmerischen Version von Microsoft 365 dabei ist und für viele aktuell relevant geworden ist. Neben einem ausführlichen & grundlegenden Theorie-Teil zu jedem Programm, gibt es auch einige Bonus-Lektionen, welche auf spezielle Funktionen eingehen. Wir intensivieren das erlernte Wissen dann noch anhand von praktischen und einfachen Beispielen , welche du einfach selber nach machen kannst und auch alle Projektdateien herunterladen und selbst verwenden kannst. Das gibt dir Tipps & Inspirationen, was man mit den Programmen eigentlich alles so machen kann. Von Lebensläufen, Dokumentenstrukturen, Buchhaltung über Signaturen, bis hin zu Diagrammen und Kalender. Die über 80 Lektionen sind alle zwischen 5 und 15 Minuten lang, was es dir einfach macht diese zwischendurch zu konsumieren und nochmal etwas nachzuschauen. Außerdem ist der Kurs so aufgebaut, dass du selbst entscheiden kannst, in welcher Reihenfolge oder generell welche Programme du lernen willst. Du bist nicht an die komplette Kursstruktur gebunden. Alle Lektionen erklären die Programme sehr einfach und grundlegend. Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse von Microsoft Office/365 notwendig, sowie generelle Computer-Kenntnisse sind auch keine Voraussetzung. Dieser Kurs richtet sich wirklich an jede/n, der/die komplett Neu die Programme kennenlernen möchte oder einen Rundum-Blick zu allen erhalten möchte, von der aktuellsten Version (Ende 2020). Du bist noch nicht überzeugt? Hier noch weitere Vorteile dieses Kurses: Ein Preis für die Grundlagen von allen Programmen. Der Kurs wird regelmäßig aktualisiert mit neuen Praxis-Beispielen, Tipps & Korrekturen (du bist immer auf dem aktuellen Stand). Der Kurs wurde von einem erfahrenen Tutor erstellt, der jahrelange Erfahrung darin hat, Videotutorials zu Software-Produkten zu produzieren. Also, worauf wartest du noch? Schreib dich ein und fang an die Microsoft 365 Programme kennenzulernen :)